From sea to soil, a greener way to grow

Kelp Pots are plantable seed-starters made from seaweed and recycled organic fibers.

Plantable * Peat-free * Plastic-free * Biodegradable * Sustainably-sourced * Made in USA * Zero-waste * Rejuvinates soil *

Harvest the regenerative magic of the ocean

Built-in nutrients

Kelp is a natural fertilizer (N, P, K, Ca, Ma, S) that stimulates plant growth & builds resilient roots.

Zero transplant shock

Roots grow right though the pot, helping your plant pals adjust to their new home stress-free. 

Rejuvenates soil

As they biodegrade, pots release organic matter that enhances soil structure, water retention & aeration.


No plastic, no peat, no waste. Made from seaweed & recycled organic fibers, pots are 100% biodegradable.

How Kelp Pots work


Fill your pot with soil & plant seeds following packet directions. Follow up with a generous gulp of water.


Make sure to keep soil nice & moist as seeds germinate. Pot will turn light brown when it's time for another drink.


Seedlings are ready for their new home when roots break through the pot. Bury the pot completely & water again.

Ready to give your garden a kelping hand?


Nurture your garden, nourish our planet

Choosing Kelp Pots may feel like a small step, but it's sowing the seeds of big change.

Unleash seaweed's superpowers

Raising demand means planting more seaweed—with its incredible ability to sequester carbon & heal the marine ecocsystem.

Grow our local seaweed industry

Picking up Kelp Pots supports a budding pipeline of US seaweed farmers, scientists & manufacturers who are helping remake the way we make things.

Cultivate the circular economy

You're promoting a way of doing business that elimintates waste, keeps materials in use as long as possible & regenerates natural systems.

Thanks to our incredible partners

It takes all kinds of minds to make this new science sing. None of this is possible without the passion, grit, and expertise of our partners.

Check them out—they're doing really cool stuff.

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